Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

No reason this version of OSO berhentikan SBS

Muhammad Faizin Adi Solanki

Ini alasan Kadin versi OSO berhentikan SBS

Sindonews.com -Board of Chambers of Commerce and industry (Kadin) version of the Extraordinary National Congress (Munaslub) mentions that Munaslub at the end of April and then held for not running the ruling Congress 2010 and Rapimnas.

They claim that the Chairman of Kadin Indonesia Bambang Suryo Sulistio (SBS) have been given the opportunity for clarification.

"If the SBS and would not want Munaslub, it should be since the warning I and II by the Commerce and business organizations-cutting at the end of 2012 early 2013, and should be addressed and followed up with a formal response. It turns out that opportunities are not being used, "said Council Chairman Munaslub Pontianak, Nur Achmad Effendy in a news conference in Jakarta, Thursday (5/5/2013).

Judge Achmad, SBS is not communicative against administrators and Commerce areas. "The main Mistake until Munaslub finally held is because Mr. SBS as the Chairman did not make persuasive communication with Provincial Kadin and outstanding member of Kadin Indonesia. He even threatened and fired the Board of Commerce of the province, something that never happened in the history of 45 years and commerce in Indonesia, "said Achmad.

While the results Munaslub in Pontianak on 25-27 April 2013, of whom dismiss SBS as Chairman of Kadin Indonesia.

The Government through the Minister of industry MS Hidayat had previously stated, rejected and confirms the Kadin Munaslub not political institutions. In addition, the majority of instruments of Commerce supports the Chairman of Kadin Indonesia Bambang Suryo Sulistio.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

"Assuming the ICP turned, the increase was not significant subsidies"

Nanang Vitello

Sindonews.com -Executive Director Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa argues, if the crude oil price assumption of Indonesia (ICP) changed, would make an impact on the magnitude of subsidies on electricity. However, if the only ICP are changing and are not followed by other factors, then the change is not too significant subsidies.

Because, besides the assumption, there are several other factors that also affect electricity subsidies, among others the target production of electric power and the growth of sales of electricity.

"However, if production and sales growth targets for electricity was also changed, then the impact is significant," he said in Jakarta on Sunday (5/5/2013).

On the other hand, although electricity tariffs (TTL) rose an average of 4.3 percent per three months, still unable to cover the increased needs of electricity subsidies. The reason, according to Faby, increased electricity rates are still lower than the cost of fuel for electricity.

Previously Deputy Minister of MINERAL RESOURCES, Susilo Siswoutomo said that ICP changes done since seeing the realization it's been above assumptions and crude oil price trends and improving world economic growth.

The head of the unit of Work Implementing Specific business activities Upstream Oil and Gas (oil & gas SKK), Rudi Rubiandini estimates, assuming this year about ICP USD105 per barrel.

Assuming the change is accompanied by a change of oil lifting ICP 830 thousand and-850 thousand barrels per day (BPD), the oil and gas sector of the country's revenue this year is estimated at USD27,9-USD29,5 billion from the initial target of USD31 billion.

According to the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES, on average during the quarter I/ICP 2013 reached USD111,11 per barrel, ICP in March amounted to USD107,42 per barrel, February amounted to USD114,86 per barrel and January amounted to USD111,07 per barrel.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Kadin imbau all sides carefully

AppId is over the quota
The revised outlook Indonesia S&P Ameidyo David

Kadin imbau semua pihak hati-hati

Sindonews.com -Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and industry (Kadin) Indonesia, Bambang Suryo Sulisto appealed all parties to be cautious and keep keep keep conducive business climate. This is related to the revised outlook Indonesia be stable from the previous positive by S&P.

"It (revision S&P) kan revision down instead of up. Although still quite good. It is a signal that we should be careful, don't be too pede (confident), and feel everything is OK. So we have to be sure to keep the business climate remains conducive, "he said via a short message to Sindonews, Jakarta, Saturday (4/5/2013).

He asked that the Government solve economic problems and manage so as not to impact the weak flow of investment due to the revision.

"The labor Problem, fuel oil (FUEL), and the impression that our policy is likely to be well managed protectionist," he said.

"The point we must keep do not impact on the current weakening of investment in. .. The trade balance also if can remain positive, "said Suryo.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

This week, a natural correction of the JCI 1.07%

Dana Aditiasari

Sepekan ini, IHSG alami koreksi 1,07%

Sindonews.com -the combined share price Index (IHSG) throughout this week experiencing a correction of 53,03 points or 1.07 percent after a successful menemus the highest level.

"During the week-long JCI has decreased 53,03 points or 1.07 percent, continuing a decline more deeply than ever 19.95 points, or 0.40 percent," said the head of the Trust Securities Research, Reza Priyambada Sunday (5/5/2013).

The weakening of the Decree followed terkoreksinya other major indexes, where index decrease with down lead MBX 1.08 percent, followed by the index of LQ45 and DBX respectively weakened 0.99 percent and 0.90 percent. While positive only Index JII, which went up by 0.12 percent.

On the other hand, sectoral index move weakened. Only three sectors is strengthened, namely consumer up 4.80 percent, 1.04 percent and increasing manufacturing industrial base increased by 0.40 percent.

Reza describes JCI at this week's sharp decline after the break new record on May 1, 2013 at level 5.060 .92. However, the positive sentiment that drove the JCI is in the green zone, the release of the deflation of 0.1 percent and labor, so the demo Martinet provides a sense of comfort for market participants to keep the transaction even though the magnitude of the price increase of fuel oil (FUEL) is not so clear.

On the other hand, is still on the plus though some Asian stock exchange its stock exchange holiday commemorating labour day and the increase of global stock exchanges to make steady the JCI is in the green zone to the end of the session. However, the position of the JCI in the green zone was stung down the prospect of Indonesia's debt rating by S&P from positive to stable because galaunya Government policies related to FUEL.

"Government policy is increasingly made the Galaunya condition of the JCI the dismal. But this time, the U.S. stock exchange (United States) and Europe and even Asia is hijau-hijaunya, "he said.

As a result, foreign investors started to sell its shares. However, it still recorded a net purchase action (nett buy) with the crossing shares worth Rp7,87 trillion IMAS at an average price of Rp 5.312. While foreign net selling records (nett sell) amounted to Rp398,26 billion or lower from the previous week, amounting to Rp475,97 billion.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Changes in assumptions the Jack electric subsidies ICP

Nanang Vitello

Perubahan asumsi ICP dongkrak subsidi listrik

Sindonews.com -plan changes in the crude oil price assumption of Indonesia (ICP) of USD100 to USD110 per barrel in the draft Budget of income and Expenditure of state changes (APBNP) 2013 will Jack up a quantity of electricity subsidies.

FUEL and Gas Division Head of PT PLN (Persero), Suryadi Mardjoeki, said that the changes will have an impact on increasing ICP costs the company's primary energy needs because the price of fuel (BBM) gas and crude oil prices following Indonesia.

"Gas prices are going up because the formula price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is tied to the price of oil," he said in Jakarta on Sunday (5/5/2013).

He explained, the total cost for electricity supply this year targeted reach Rp212,07 trillion, of which 70 per cent is allocated for fuel costs for generating electricity. "This means that the fuel costs reached about Rp148,5 trillion," he said.

Further Suryadi said, FUEL consumption this year is targeted to reach 6.49 million tonnes (kl) and gas amounted to 392 British thermal unit tera (TBTU) or equivalent of 392 million MMBTU.

Assuming fuel prices of $ 8,500 per liter, then the cost of FUEL reached Rp55,25 trillion. As for the average price of gas reached USD8,9 per MMBTU, so the cost of gas reached USD3,5 billion or Rp33,1 trillion, with an exchange rate of Rp 9,500.

The phenomenon already he would convey to the Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of finance. "As for the amount of FUEL is not great even though they're expensive. But when gas prices go up constantly and the numbers are many, of course, will increase the subsidies, "he said.

Based on the data of the Ministry of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR), FUEL consumption in the primary energy mix PLN 9.7 percent of targeted, 22.12 percent gas, coal, hydro 56,66 percent 6.19 percent, 4.8 percent and geothermal bio diesel and new renewable energy 0,52 per cent.

Related to this, the Director General of oil and Gas and MINERAL RESOURCES said that currently the Government still sees the development of the situation in the crude oil price in the world such as Europe, America, and Asia. In addition, it will also be discussed in advance with the financial Kementeriaan.

"To be sure, while asking LAWMAKERS to RAPBN-P is over all," he said.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Dahlan minta AP II perluas Bandara Silangit

Heru Abraham

Dahlan minta AP II perluas Bandara Silangit

Sindonews.com -Minister of State-owned enterprises (SOEs), Dahlan asked PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II) to develop the North Tapanuli, Silangit airport, North Sumatra (Sumatra) in order to perekenomian the area could be developed.

"In January we have been working closely with the Ministry of transportation, so that Silangit Airport is managed directly by the AP II," said Dahlan in his remarks while attending the inauguration of the Terrain hub Saturday (4/5/2013) last night.

To that end, he asked the airport operator to immediately develop Airport Silangit. He's assess Sumatra is rich in resources, such as oil, gas and coal. For it to be supported with adequate transportation.

"Sumatra also adjoined with the developed countries, supported living infrastructure such as ports, roads, power plants and airports," he added.

He even asked the three conditions that must be met AP II, it can manage the Airport operator Silangit. First, a layer of the runway (runway) must be added as high as 30 centimeters (cm), a second runway extension 100 cm and last fencing so that wild animals do not interfere when the plane takes off.

"I've asked Pertamina to deliver the fuel in there, they can afford a month from a six-month plan, Garuda Indonesia also I hope it is ready to fly to Silangit," said Dahlan.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Prices of fruit in the market has not been affected FUEL issues Jatinegara

Muhammad Faizin Adi Solanki

Harga buah di pasar Jatinegara belum terpengaruh isu BBM

Sindonews.com -fruit Prices in Jatinegara market hasn't affected plans price hike of fuel oil (FUEL). Prices of fruit in the market that it has decreased compared to the previous week.

One of the fruit trade in Jatinegara, Jumali (45) says that the price of fruits in General on this weekend declined compared to the previous week. "The price of the fruit down. The issue of fuel price hikes has not effect on the price of fruits at the moment, "he said when encountered Sindonews, Sunday (5/5/2013).

According to him, the fall in the price of fruits due to the number of requests and the availability of the fruit opposite. Currently, the abundance of the supply is not offset by the number of requests, where demand actually decline.

While the supply of the fruit that comes from Holding Market Kramat Jati, East Jakarta has always been smooth. "The supply of the fruit so far," he imbuh.

Jumali lays out, the price of mangoes this week dropped to parlay the thousand per kilogram (kg) from the previous weekend of Rp20 thousand to 30 thousand per kg. The price of oranges China about Parlay thousand per kg. But the supply of oranges China at the weekend were empty.

While leatherback Rp30 thousand price per kg. While the price of grapes also do not experience many changes compared to the previous week, which dibanderol Rp75 thousand at the price per kg.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Industri dalam negeri dituntut mampu bersaing

AppId is over the quota

Industri dalam negeri dituntut mampu bersaing

Sindonews.com -implementation of the various free trade agreement or the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has become a major issue for the industry in the country. The reason, not all industries are ready to compete with foreign products in domestic markets.

Vice Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and industry (Kadin) East Java Regional Empowerment Area, the sister of Dwi Putranto reveals, the domestic industry is required to compete in the world economic scene, because inevitably the market will be more open with the enactment of the various free trade agreements, including the Asean Economic Community (AEC) by 2015.

"In an effort to fortify, the trick is to strengthen the sense of love domestic products. Domestic industry not less than foreign, "he said when the exhibition increased use of domestic products (P3DN) in Surabya as quoted from the affidavits, Saturday (4/5/2013).

The sister says, the potential market in the country with a total population of 240 million people should be optimized. It is not easy, because the consumer will choose the most qualified products.

"Again, this must be balanced with the competitiveness of the industry. Otherwise, Indonesia will only be market and society forced consuming foreign products. But I believe the domestic industrial products are not lost to foreign-owned, "he said.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

The performance of fixed income mutual funds improved

J Erna

Kinerja reksa dana pendapatan tetap membaik

Sindonews.com -the performance of the average fixed-income mutual funds based on yield (return) to the end of April 2013 shows improvement compared to the previous months of this year.

Based on data FROM PT Infovesta Utama, fixed-income mutual funds until the end of April this year recorded a performance of 1.49 percent, an increase compared to the end of March 2013 only 0.55 percent.

However, if compared to the same period of the previous year, this type of mutual fund performance is still below it. At the end of April 2011, the performance of fixed income mutual funds recorded a 2.49 percent.

"Only fixed-income mutual fund that its annual performance below last year due to the performance of an obligation, either the Government or the corporations which tend to slow down compared to last year. However, the performance of fixed income mutual funds in April (2013) began to improve, "said analyst PT Infovesta Utama, Vilia Wati to SindonewsSunday (5/5/2013).

As for the performance of government bonds until the end of April this year was recorded by 0.50 percent, while corporate bonds of 2,33 per cent. In the same period last year, the performance of government bonds amounted to 2.94 percent and 3.39 percent reaching oligasi Corporation.

Compared to other types of mutual funds, fixed income mutual funds are recording the lowest performance. With the performance of the composite stock price Index (IHSG) by 16,62%, performance of stock mutual funds managed mecapai 17,34 percent and mutual funds mix worth 11.01 percent.

However, sentiment was positive from the domestic stock market and affect the performance of bonds, including new foreign funds flow into ursa shares since the beginning of April to the end of the reach Rp18,68 trilun and bond market (SUN) amounting to Rp298,72 trillion.

"In addition, the expectations of financial reporting issuers that release positive and announcement of the dividend distribution," said Vilia.

While negative sentiment stems from uncertainty about the rising prices of fuel (BBM). As for the sentiment from overseas, including Asia's economic data releases, releases financial report of listed company in the United States and from Europe in the form of debt settlement and the formation of a new Government in Italy.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

EFes 2013 presents the young entrepreneur

Ameidyo David

EFes 2013 hadirkan para entrepreneur muda

Sindonews.com -See great participants in the animo 2012, at this year's Young Entrepreneur Festival 2013 (EFes 2013) again held over four days (2-5 may 2013) in Jakarta.

This time has been presenting EFes entrepreneur young to share stories and inspiration. They include A quarter Guritno (Poetre Spa), Riyanni Djangkaru (Dive Magz Indonesia, Billy Boen (Young On Top), Wahyu Aditya (HelloMotion), Adi Kusma (BizNet), Rene Suhardono (Impact Factory), Chef Afit (Holycow Steak) and others representing the 16 industry sectors.

"We deliberately puts a young entrepreneur who was able to achieve success thanks to the ideas, innovation and hard work. Because they are able to inspire other young people, "says Initiator Entrepreneur and CEO of Arka Media Festival, Dolly Lesmana, Saturday (4/5/2013).

He said, based on data from the Ministry of cooperatives and SMEs the SME sector that was able to contribute $ 56,5 percent of Indonesia'S GDP, and absorb the workforce of 66,74 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of SMES in 2011 as much as 55,21 million units with a composition of small medium enterprises and units 609.195 44.280 units.

"So through this event we want to inspire and give direction to the entrepreneur and aspiring entrepreneur to have a dream, create a plan and take action," pungkas Dolly.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

April 2013, car sales in Australia rose 7.6%


April 2013, penjualan mobil di Australia naik 7,6%

Sindonews.com --new vehicle sales in Australia increased by 7.6 per cent in April 2013, although industrial data may have been distorted by the Easter holiday.

As quoted from Inautonews, Saturday (4/5/2013), Federal Chamber of Commerce automotive industry Australia says, the total vehicle sales in Australia reached 85.117 units, compared with 79.097 units in the same period last year.

However, due to the number of days in April more sales from the previous month, the sales decreased 5.9 percent per day. The Easter holiday also makes it more difficult to compare with monthly sales in April dropped 12.6 percent compared with March, which Museveni reached 97.400 units.

From January until April 2013, car sales in the country increased by 5.6 percent compared with the same period last year. Demand for SUVS remain high in April rose 11.1 percent, or because of low interest rates on the credit of the motor vehicle, household income growth is solid, and the local dollar.

Meanwhile, Toyota remained the best-selling car in as a maker of Australia in April with a market share of 19.9 percent, while GM back to 9.4 percent as the second position, followed by Mazda with 9.2 percent. Fourth place taken by Hyundai with 8.6 percent, and Ford, which managed to take back some market share lost to 8.0 percent.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Garuda launch Malang Medan as a Hub

Support our national connectivity Izzudin

Garuda resmikan Medan sebagai Hub

Sindonews.com -PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk has inaugurated the city of Medan, North Sumatra, as the Hub to support "national connectivity" in the field of air transport in the region of Western Indonesia.

Setting a field as the Hub of Garuda as part of aviation network development program undertaken domestic and international, particularly in the area of Western Indonesia.

Inauguration of the Terrain Hub was carried out jointly by the Minister of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES Dahlan Iskan, Wamenhub Bambang Susantono, the Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho, Zaini Abdullah, Governor of NAD West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno, Riau Governor Rusli Zainal, the Riau Islands Governor Sani, the Governor of South Sumatra M Alex Nurdin, Ceo of Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar.

In the early stages of Garuda puts three Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen in Medan. Minister of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES Dahlan appreciates Garuda over the Field assignment as the Hub to support businesses and courses MP3EI.

"The terrain is very strategic city in the region, and has long been a gateway for Sumatra and the western part of Indonesia. Field as a city of trade and business number three busiest in Indonesia, Garuda's very precise measures, "said Dahlan in a press release, Saturday (4/5/2013).

With the increasing connectivity of the lowliest, the mobility of people and goods will be increased so as to support the business growth quickly. "This will help speed up the development of the economy of Indonesia according to MP3EI," he said.

Emirsyah said that the inauguration of this Field is the Hub of Garuda's efforts in developing its flight network and improve services to the users of the service.

"According to Quantum Leap programme 2011-2015 that was implemented, Garuda has demonstrated its commitment to mendukum MP3EI program through improved connectivity in and between regions in Indonesia," Emirsyah said.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Low cost, high market-embracing strategy under

Low cost, strategi merangkul pasar menengah-bawah

DURING the decades of customers in Indonesia have been chained by the paradigm of good quality if you want to then have to pay dearly. Conversely, if the customers buy products worth cheap do not expect will be of good quality.

The original paradigm is still gripping the minds of the majority of customers in Indonesia in consuming this product or service to meet his needs, either primary or secondary nature.

However, the influx of Chinese products along with the opening tap import into the domestic market has been gradually undermine the presumption "of good quality should be expensive". There have been many Chinese products that offer new value to customers in Indonesia-"good quality and low cost".

First products of this kind are booed. But slow-time turned out this kind of products were dominating the market in Indonesia. In the world of communications, call it Nexian, Huawai, a selling price membandrol ZTE below Rp1 million. This is undermining the dominance of Nokia, which membandrol prices are always on top of RP1 million.

Lower middle market

The advent of cheap products, but quality is effected by the thought of professor Columbia University, CK Prahalad. In The book The Fortune at The Bottom of the Pyramid, Eradicating Poverty Through Profits, he mentions:
Knowledge-based economy a fair and economic growth will be driven by the concept and strategy of the industry that gives opportunity to the General middle income under potential as producers and consumers, because of the very large number (65 per cent of the total world population).

The industrialist, businessmen and economists thought that embodies the Chinese by producing goods or services at their best and cheapest cheapness to his needs in the majority of middle income.

In addition, it is also exported to other countries as Indonesia is no exception. This phenomenon occurs due to China's corpora do innovation process that is open and without limits on the functions of research and development, operational processes and the production, processing and other services. This has not been done to Western companies.

The Chinese nation has given global studies about the benefits of low-cost companies. With this model, China has given birth to many quality products, even beyond the products of Western countries but still valuable.

Before China, innovation process that produces low price has been shown by Toyota Toyota Production model System (TPS). This Model is the innovation process on the lines of operations and production. As a result, Toyota's products, but still affordable with reliable quality.

New markets and low cost company

SWA magazine survey ever ask a fundamental question: How CEO solutions strategically in the face of consumer purchasing power declined in the coming period due to the global economic crisis.

There are two answers are most dominant. As much as 70,59% CEOs answer looking for new markets and provide products including 52,94 percent at affordable prices.

Looking for new customers, meaning the company has to open a relationship with prospective customers or consumers to obtain new opportunities. This requires the company to be able to get creative and create new values are worth the benefits of the products and services offered to customers.

Instead, at an affordable price, meaning the company would have to do an open innovation process and without limit in the company, both on the operating functions, production, and service in order to lower the costs so that the product is finally reached by the purchasing power of customers.

CK Prahald in the magazine the ECONOMIST, again warned that if companies want to still exist in the midst of tough competition in the global economic crisis with just one path, which makes the products of good quality and sold at affordable prices.

The main requirement to conduct internal process innovation is the clarity of the process from the top level down to the lower floor. From the CEO down to the janitors. So the company should have a map, the map process and operational business process map, the map process and operational business processes that integrate both internal and external suppliers.

Of course this should be supported with a willingness and seriousness the stakeholders in a formal attachment to the refinement and improvement of processes as well as the activity of the company continuously as part of the work of the innovation process.

All of this is so that the company can sustainable competitive power so that the company is capable of positioning as a low-cost company who has become the main wishes of customers currently on the market medium.

Nawolo Tris Sampurno
Learning Manager & Alomet Friends


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Fitch and Moody's is not going to follow S&P

The revised outlook Indonesia S&P Ameidyo David

Fitch dan Moody's diyakini tak akan ikuti S&P

Sindonews.com – Chief Economist Danareksa Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, the Institute says, lowering the outlook Indonesia be stable from the previous positive by rating agency Standard Poors & (S&P) will not be followed by other rating agencies such as Fitch and Moody's because the assessment of each institution is different.

"Moody's and Fitch did not ask for our growth in 2013 to 7 percent or more. While the S&P ask for 7 percent on an ongoing basis. So it looks like pemeringkatnya is a different institution characteristics, "he explained in a Kemenko economy, Jakarta on May 3, 2013.

He asserted that there is no reason for Fitch and Moody's lowers outlook for me-too S&P Indonesia. Because of Indonesia's economic growth was 6 percent is still pretty good.

"No worse than several months ago and there is no reason for Fitch and Moody's downgrade of us. Because they asked to grade the growth of 6 percent. And I think our growth of 6 percent is still pretty good, "pungkasnya.

As is known, the S&P Rating Service rating agency lowered the prospects of Indonesia be stable from positive. Indonesia votes have wasted the momentum to go up the rankings.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Economist: more stable than Indonesia Philippines

Ameidyo David

Ekonom: Indonesia lebih stabil dibanding Filipina

Sindonews.com – Chief Economist Danareksa Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa Institute, rate, decreased Indonesia's economic outlook by Standard Poors (S&P) & slightly less fair to compare Indonesia with the Philippines because Filipinos are relatively close to the market.

"A little less fair if Indonesia compared to the Philippines because they are close to the market and is well known by the market," he said in a Kemenko Economy, Jakarta, on May 3, 2013.

However, he continued, when compared in terms of stability especially politics, Indonesia is much better compared to the neighboring countries of ASEAN.

"But judging from political stability, there still exists the armed forces bring-carry weapons, even entry into Malaysia. If there's already much safer than that. In a much different situation with the Philippines, we are far more stable, "pungkasnya.

As is known, the S&P Rating Service rating agency lowered the prospects of Indonesia be stable from positive. Indonesia votes have wasted the momentum to go up the rankings.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

The Government is optimistic the debt rating of INDONESIA can be fixed


Pemerintah optimis rating utang RI bisa diperbaiki

Sindonews.com -the Government is optimistic the prospects of Indonesia's debt rating drop from rating agency Standard Poor's (S&P) & from positive to stable votes can still be fixed, one of them with healthy fiscal Indonesia.

As coordinating Minister for the economy delivered while Executing tasks (Plt) Finance Minister, Hatta Radjasa has been elected as quoted from the official website of the Ministry of finance, Thursday (4/5/2013).

According to him, it happened because of the Government's policy in S&P highlighted the problems of fuel oil (FUEL) and budget deficits as well as subsidized trade.

Therefore, the Government has a duty to seek the Bank's fiscal. "It (the decline) rather reserved policy of subsidies, because we've got a four-year roadmap to reduce subsidies. We're talking about it, "he said.

For information, S&P revised the Outlook for Indonesia's debt to stable from positive. S&P stated that the position of the rating is supported by strong economic growth in the past decade, prudent fiscal management, and low government debt burden.

However, the S&P rate improvement momentum for too long, while the potential for an increase in rating has been reduced.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Ford C-Max models rely on and Fusion in the u.s.


Ford andalkan model C-Max dan Fusion di AS

Sindonews.com -Ford said that this month plan to can surpass a record full year hybrid sales in the United States (US). Ford C-Max models rely on and Fusion.

As quoted from Inautonews, Saturday (4/5/2013), Ford'S U.S. Sales Analyst, Erich Merkle said, hybrid vehicle sales in April for Ford's new monthly record with 8.481 units sold, bringing the total so far this year been 29.561 units.

The previous record, established in 2010 as much as 35.496 units sold. Ford CEO Alan Mulally, will rely on the new C-Max hybrid and electric car version of the Fusion sedan, which was redesigned in order to sell more of the Prius as the hosts Toyota has been a leader in the segment since 2000.

"Now conditions are spinning, that our sales growth of our fastest hybrid market is the largest in the country," he said.

"Fusionmengalahkan hobrida Camry Sales in April, and there is a major market for the Fusion this year Los Angeles, Washington, d.c., and San Francisco," he added.

In April, sales of the Ford Fusion hybrid increased five times as much as 3.989 units, while the Toyota Camry hybrid sales fell 26 percent to 3,413 units. Toyota reported sales of Prius hybrid dropped 21 percent in April to 19.889 units and 12 percent so far this year to 75.613 units.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Global tablet sales rose 142,4 percent

Quarter 1/2013 Izzudin

Penjualan tablet global naik 142,4 persen

Sindonews.com -global tablet Shipments in the first quarter of 2013 doubled from the previous year. However, experts say not yet know whether the tablet will replace the PC.

The latest report released by the International Data Corp. (IDC) showed that global tablet shipments grow 142,4 49,2 percent to million in the first quarter of this year. The figure exceeded shipping tablet in the first quarter of 2012.

"The Tablet is more suitable for the internat, listening to music, and watching movies because it's cheaper and more portable," said Arthur Liao, an analyst from the Taipei-based Fubon Securities Co. was quoted as saying from Tipei Times, Saturday (4/5/2013).

For example, continued he, iPad Mini with 1.8-inch screen is smaller than the iPad's standard, "This shows not only the difference in size, but also the price and weight of both. Although there are slight differences in the specifications for their hardware, "he said.

Current users prefer larger smartphone with a screen 4.7 inches or greater, finally the vendors can reduce screen tablet to between 7 inches and 8 inches.

Liao said, users increasingly use the tablet is expected to communicate and consume the data. Chairman of Hua Nan Securities Co., David Chu, looked at the same things about the future of tablet computers.

Chu said Samsung Electronics Co. 's Galaxy Tab series FonePad Asustek is a 7-inch tablet that can be used to make a call and can occupy some of the market share on the market of tablet.

However, it will not be too great because most users use their tablet to find data, songs and movies, rather than phoning.

"Delivery of Notebooks may fall at a rate of one digit of the year, but they can survive in the ever-changing market if properly integrated with the tablets and Smartphones," said Chu.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Housing prices are cheap if interest subsidies increased

Marieska Rider Virdhani

Harga rumah murah jika subsidi bunga ditingkatkan

Sindonews.com -even though home prices in Singapore are still relatively expensive, fixed interest of consumers. However, the opportunities for the poor to have difficult home was reached.

Moreover, the policies governing the Depok perda land housing should not be under 120 feet per unit. "People need homes cheap, but hard to realize," said President Director of PT Elmayuda Pratama, Eddy Faisal, Saturday (4/5/2013).

According to him, the property developers could just provide cheap homes. However, it should be bold and give interest subsidy and suppress prices with the removal of wild charges (pungli).

IRIS reveals necessary interest subsidies. In addition, the need to involve a number of ministries in the policy as Minister of housing, Minister of finance, and Minister of cooperatives and SMEs.

It asked that the value added tax (VAT), income tax (PPH), and Bea acquisition of rights to the land and building (BPHTB) facilitated. In addition, the need for liberation of retribution. "The levy and Pungli should be removed, because the factors making expensive home prices," he said.

He explained, the City Government There should be an easier matter to take care of the licensing process. Whereas, property business is the driving factor in the economy.

"However, the property business remains promising. Looking ahead, housing vertical styles such as the apartments were flooded with customers, "he said.

On the other hand, the Government expects revenues of the largest area of Depok was obtained from business property, i.e. Rp138 billion. Head of Department of revenue Financial and assets management of City Government of Depok, Doddy Setiadi said, local tax targets by 2012 amounted to Rp305 billion.

Whereas, the realization of the PAD of Rp379,7 billion or up from the target of 124,39 percent. According to him, tax income derived BPHTB for developers to build housing in Depok.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

This is the reason for lower economic outlook S&P RI

Ameidyo David

Ini alasan S&P turunkan outlook ekonomi RI

Sindonews.com -outlook Indonesia's Economic Downturn be stable from the previous positive by Standard Poors (S&P) & because the international rating agencies would like to see Indonesia's economy to grow above 6 percent.

"They always want to see continuous economic growth above 6 percent or close to 7 percent," said Chief Economist at Danareksa Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, the Institute, in a Kemenko economy, Jakarta on May 3, 2013.

He told that the S&P have not been satisfied with the development of the infrastructure of Indonesia during this and the economic outlook revision was the signal that they expect more from infrastructure development in Indonesia.

"The second they have always asked our budget due to inefficiencies of subsidies. While we are struggling to reduce subsidies on our budget, "he said.

Purbaya concludes that it is the S&P factor gives an indication of the decline in Indonesia's outlook and he also predicted for 6 months to a year ranked Indonesia has yet to be taken up again.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

2,500 homes in Borneo enjoy electricity CBM

Finance Info-the utilization of coal gas or coalbed methane (CBM) for the electricity industry started bearing fruit. Oil & gas Contractor Contract SKK through cooperation (Contractor KKS) Vico Indonesia managed to transmit electrical energy to about 2,500 houses in Borneo.

The utilization of coal gas to electricity residents was the first in Indonesia. Coal gas projects for electrical energy itself was in blocks of Sanga-Sanga Kutai Kertanegara Regency in East Kalimantan.

General Manager of PLN in East Kalimantan, Nyoman s. Astawa said, the use of coal gas to electricity this saves Rp 1,550 per Kwh. Rates of production of CBM Rp 1,150 per Kwh, while if using solar Rp 2,700 per Kwh.

"The Total savings achieved Rp17 billion per year," said Nyoman in his written remarks, Thursday (2/5/2013).

The utilization of coal gas, according to Nyoman very profitable because it can suppress the PLN Government subsidies. Employment contract PLN with Vico Indonesia lasted until December 2014.

"We will likely continue back, while waiting for the Government to set a price of commercial coal gas in Indonesia," he said.

SKK Operating Deputy oil and gas, CBM Muliawan added, the project is the realization of the oil & gas and SKK Vico Indonesia with production by 0.5 million cubic feet per day. "This project for electricity first CBM in Indonesia," he said.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

DPRD-Disperindag Jember agreed defends Giant

Finance Info-plan of the construction of the Giant mall in East Java provincial government-owned assets located in the area of Talangsari, Jember threatened to cancel. Because, in the meeting that followed the Commission D DPRD, Disperindag, The Copyright of the works, Dishub, Polres, as well as caregiver boarding schools Shiddiqi Talangsari Ash agreed to reject the mall.

Bebarengan with it, dozens of residents and communities surrounding Talangsari District Kaliwates demo denial also Giant.

Caregiver Islamic boarding schools Al-Ashri, the daughter of Shiddiqi or Kyai Job Syaiful Rizal or familiar accosted Gus Syef says, in the Talangsari many institutions particularly boarding schools as well as a number of educational institutions ranging from kindergarten level to madrasah aliyah.

"We are concerned with the establishment of the Giant would undermine the values of students and scholars as well as ahlak will bring up the cultural life of luxury. Whereas in the boarding schools have long cultivated a culture of life, regardless of social status of each student, "light of Gus Syef, Thursday (2/5/2013).

He added, "until whenever Ashri and all educational institutions in the area firmly rejected plan for the establishment of the Giant.

"We will not compromise on the establishment plans of the Giant, because some time ago indeed there have been a number of officials who came and tried to communicate the issue," he said.

While the Chairman of the Commission D Job Aravind said, his father-in-law, who is also Chairman of the Talangsari area NEIGHBORHOODS surprised with his signature and the rise of the envelope containing the money by a specified amount.

"It turns out his signature was misused to support the existence of the Giant, it is clearly not acceptable maysarakat. We recommend that the Commission reject D already Giant, stop any development in that location and we will check the status of the East Java provincial government-owned assets, "demolished Job Aravind.

He also said, after performing the inspection to the ex Factory Ice Talangsari which is the LOCAL GOVERNMENT of East Java labeled Pemorov Wira Jatim does exist certain buildings and activities.

In addition, Giant scale model also there have been several people who watched him. While the head of Jember Disperindag Achmad Sudiyono said, it in fact does not yet know very well the problem or no permission construction Giant.

"Once it got any news there is a MOU between the Giant with the provincial Government of East Java, it goes I don't know. Because if there is, which obviously it is the 6th entry permit, and there is no any letter that comes into us, "said Achmad Sudiyono.

It claims to be allergic not to the inclusion of various investments in Jember. "The Governor has suggested, please investors coming in, and the question of licensing is indeed easy and stay there just follow the rules and do not be infringed," timpalnya.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Ford will add 2.000 new workers in Kansas City

Finance Info-Ford announced it would add 2,000 new workers at a pickup truck factory in Kansas City. Due to the increased demand for trucks in the United States.

As quoted from Inautonews, Thursday (2/5/2013), Ford said it will add 900 new jobs and a third shift at the pickup truck plant in Kansas City that has been producing the F-150 pickup truck, the best-selling vehicle in the u.s. for more than 30 years.

The car manufacturer will add 1,100 jobs in the fourth quarter to prepare for the introduction of a new full size Ford Transit. These changes will increase the number of labor company in Kansas City more than 80 percent.

Ford made this move because sales in the lucrative pickup truck market continued to rise during the last few months. Company executives say, that the truck sales tripled from an increase in the auto industry as a whole.

"There is plenty of room for the housing market because it believed so low in the us," said Joe Hinrichs, Ford's head of operations in North and South America.

Ford factory in Kansas City as one of the latest Ford facilities in the u.s. to run the third shift. When Ford signed a four-year labor agreement with the UAW on 2011 's promise to create or save 12,000 hourly jobs in the region in 2015.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Hatta: Trans Sumatra Highway groundbreaking this year

Finance Info- Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, Hatta Rajasa mengatakan, bahwa Tol Trans Sumatera segera groundbreaking pada tahun ini. Kemungkinannya, proyek ini akan dipimpin BUMN yang 100 persen dikuasai negara atau yang belum IPO.

"Tol Sumatera akan kita kerjakan. Tahun ini akan groundbreaking. Tapi masih ada pembahasan terkait besaran dana dukung pemerintah (VGF) nya karena Menteri PU menginginkan agar tidak hanya satu BUMN saja tapi bisa beberapa BUMN maupun konsorsium BUMN," ujarnya di gedung Kementerian Keuangan, Jakarta, Kamis (2/5/2013).

Hatta melanjutkan, penunjukkan BUMN yang masih 100 persen dikuasai negara karena sifat BUMN tersebut dalam pembangunan tol ini adalah penugasan. "Karena ini sifatnya penugasan harus diberikan kepada BUMN yang 100 persen dikuasai negara," kata dia.

Hatta mengakui, ada ada usulan dari beberapa Menteri bahwa BUMN besar yang sudah IPO bisa ikut juga dalam pekerjaan tol ini. Namun ide tersebut masih terpecah karena sifatnya penugasan negara maka tidak bisa diberikan kepada BUMN yang sudah IPO.

"Ada usulan bagaimana kalau mengajak (BUMN) yang sudah IPO, sebagian ini masih belum (diterima), sebagian tetap BUMN yang 100 persen negara karena sifatnya penugasan. Karena penugasan itu diberikan kepada perusahaan negara yang secara komersial belum viable (belum mandiri) dan di situ ada penyertaan modal negara," terangnya.

Hatta menuturkan, jalan tol tersebut terlalu panjang untuk dikerjakan satu BUMN saja dan karena sifatnya penugasan maka pihaknya masih membahas hal ini.

"Jalannya 2.700 kilometer sanggup enggak (BUMN tersebut) sendirian dan total 23 ruas jalan tol di Sumatera. Pokoknya Menteri PU yang tahu dan siapa BUMN yang mengerjakan itu Menteri PU yang tahu. Sekarang masih dibahas jangan diambil kesimpulan dulu, karena ini kan sifatnya penugasan," tutup dia.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Increase of Garuda airlines coupled Taxi service, the Bosowa

Finance Info-PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk (GIAA) has employed a cab Bosowa to enhance service excellence (best service), especially for passengers who travel to the South Sulawesi city of Makassar (South Sulawesi).

Commissioner of PT Bosowa (Taxi Bosowa), Subhan Aksa explains, it entered into a partnership with Garuda Indonesia by giving discount voucher from Taxi Bosowa.

"The purpose of this promotion the program Enjoy Makassar Makassar city to help develop as tourist destinations by providing convenience and value over the transport," he said in remarks released in Jakarta, Thursday (2/5/2013).
"In this town, there are Taxis are available to take the Bosowa anyone, saw a lot of things that are cool and spots for you in Makassar. Expected tourists visiting will be returned to Makassar, "he added.

According to him, the taxi Bosowa had the privilege to work closely with the national airline Garuda, which grew rapidly in the Asian region. He hopes that this cooperation can pamper passengers on Garuda.

"To be a pride for us, Garuda Indonesia gave credence to Taxi Bosowa to serve customers Garuda Indonesia on the ground especially in need of taxi services in the city of Makassar," he said.

The signing of the cooperation undertaken Subhan Aksa and Vice President of the East Indonesian Region of Garuda Indonesia, Garuda Indonesia offices in Rosyinah, in Makassar, not long ago.

As for the program called Garuda Indonesia Enjoy this Bosowa Ujung Pandang with Taxi will last for three months, starting May 1, 2013 to 31 December 2013. Ticket owner Garuda will get vouchers amounting to Rp20 Bosowa thousand Taxis with city check-in at the sales office Garuda Indonesia Makassar. Passengers simply show the Boarding Pass at the counter in the arrival area Taxi Bosowa Soekarno Hatta.

In addition to this program, Subhan is also hoping to explore cooperation Bosowa Taxi with Garuda Indonesia. On the other, according to Rosyinah, Garuda Indonesia appreciates this cooperation.

It believes that, working together will bring benefits to both parties, particularly loyal customers Garuda Indonesia and taxi Bosowa.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

JCI returned leave level 5000

Finance Info-the combined share price Index (IHSG) on the trading day closed back leaving the psychological level. IHSG closed plummeted 66,87 points or 1, 32 percent to as low as .05 4,994.

In morning trading, JCI opened directly rectified following Wall Street's anjloknya on trading overnight. JCI weakened 11,57 points or 0.23 percent to as low as 5.049 22,30,35.

The weakening of the JCI continued in session I, during the last, closed down 13,84 points or 0.27 percent to 5.047, 08.  While at the end of trading yesterday, the JCI strengthened through a new record, by 26 points to as low as .92 5.060.

LQ45 index this afternoon ended rectified 12,74 points or 1.48 percent to as low as 847,29. Bursa in Asia-the majority ended up in the Red territory.

The Shanghai index weakened 3,79 points or 0.17 percent to 2.174, 12; Hang Seng slump 68,71 points or 0.30 percent to as low as .30 22,668; Straits Times rose 33.60 points or 1.00 percent to,78 and the Nikkei 225 3.401 slumped 105,31 points or 0.76 percent to 13.694,04.

Transaction value recorded amounted to Rp15,48 trillion and 8,28 billion shares traded. Recorded a total of 65 stocks strengthened, 233 weakened and 92 stagnant. Net foreign transaction value recorded amounted to Rp7,28 trillion.

The entire sector stocks on this afternoon ended with a minus, the highest loss occurred on the property sector stocks shrink 2.39 percent, followed by the mining sector declined 1.69 percent.
Stocks that are moving higher (top gainers on), PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI) up to Rp 17.550 Rp50, PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) up to Rp 1,050 to Rp 51.050 and PT Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP) up to Rp Rp200 84.500.

While the stocks that are moving to weaken (the top losers), PT Goodyear Indonesia Tk (GDYR) down to Rp 16,900 Rp800, PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (IT) down to Rp 26.550 Rp400, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) down to $ Rp wettest.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Manufacturing India April 2013 at the latest

Finance Info-India's manufacturing activity in April 2013 glide at a speed of slowest of growth for 17 months, due to domestic order and power supply problems.

Purchasing managers index (PMI) of HSBC, which gives an overview of the health of manufacturing output to work, sliding into 51,0 in April, down from the previous month at 52,0. Where figures over 50 indicate growth in the sector while below 50 points indicates contraction.

"Manufacturing Activity lost momentum again in April, with output growth slowed down considerably in the wake of the slowdown in domestic orders and a power outage," said HSBC Chief Economist, Leif Eskesen, as reported by the Global Post, Thursday (2/5/2013).

Based on a survey of more than 500 manufacturer-came a day before a meeting of the central bank is widely expected to lower interest rates to jumpstart the economy slows sharply.

India's economy is expected to grow at 5.0 percent lower decade in the fiscal year that ended in March.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Metro Germany trim loss NET USD21 million

Finance Info-Retail Giant Germany, Metro reduced its first quarter net loss to 16 million euros (USD21 million), from 80 million in the same period a year earlier.

Reported by Expactica, from Thursday (2/5/2013), earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) up one million euros in the first three months of this year, compared with a loss of eight million euros a year earlier.

Rival Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco said sales were down slightly, 0.9 percent to 15.5 billion euros.

"In many countries, the purchasing power of our customers have been affected by the economic crisis and Government austerity measures," said Metro Chief Executive Olaf Koch.

"However, we managed to increase revenues and sustain sales at a steady rate from year to year," he added.

Metro Group hope regardless of business conditions that continue to be difficult, can produce moderate growth in sales.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Minimarket mushrooming complaints increased, complaints

Finance Info- Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) Kabupaten Lahat memprediksi menjamurnya pasar modern retail (fast market/minimarket) di Lahat berpengaruh dengan meningkatnya keluhan dan pengaduan masyarakat. 

Catatan yang dimiliki YLKI angka pengaduan pelayanan konsumen yang masuk mencapai 22 kasus sepanjang 2012 lalu. Jumlah ini meningkat 40 persen ketimbang 2011 silam yakni 15 kasus keluhan.

"Banyak sekali toko modern yang mulai dibangun, terlebih lagi dua toko modern yang ternama di Indonesia. Kita prediksi meningkat pada 2013 ini," ujar Ketua YLKI Lahat, Sanderson di sekretariatnya, Kamis (2/5/2013).

Kendati demikian, Sanderson menyayangkan masih minimnya tingkat kesadaran masyarakat untuk melaporkan keluhannya saat menemukan penyimpangan ketika melakukan transaksi jual beli.

"Budaya sadar kita masih sangat kecil. Anggapan mereka dengan harga yang kecil dinilainya sederhana. Padahal, justru itu kita bisa menindaklanjutinya," kata dia.

Dari kasus yang ada, YLKI menyebut keluhan terhadap rusaknya kemasan makanan dan minuman (mamin) serta masa kedaluwarsa yang paling banyak ditemui.

"Kita lihat dari rusaknya mamin yang dikemas dalam kaleng. Jika ada lapisannya yang rusak, terutama bagian dalam, tentunya bakal bereaksi dengan mamin yang ada di dalamnya. Ini yang menyebabkan kesehatan konsumen terganggu. Termasuk, peristiwa yang merenggut korban jiwa di Muara Dua, Oku Selatan beberapa waktu lalu," jelas Sanderson.

Sanderson menjamin, demi meminimalisir penyimpangan serupa di Lahat, YLKI terus melakukan pengawasan terhadap pendistribusian dan peredaran mamin, terutama di toko retail modern.

"Kita akui, YLKI belum ada aturan main yang jelas. Tapi untuk frekuensi pengawasan di lapangan, kita selalu lakukan kapan pun. Bahkan kita juga menerima pengaduan konsumen di TKP jika ternyata mengalami kerugian," kata dia.

Sementara, pemilik toko modern Alfamart, Ulfa mengaku tetap melaporkan semua barang-barang kemasannya pada YLKI setiap satu minggu sekali.

"Laporan itu kita sampaikan dalam bentuk kartu. Kondisi, kualitas, kuantitas serta masa kedaluwarsanya mulai dari distribusi hingga pemasaran tetap kita awasi barang-barangnya. Kita tetap memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi konsumen," pungkasnya.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

MNC Securities can support OJK

Finance Info -PT MNC Securities has won support from the financial services authority (OJK) to increase the number of domestic investors. MNC Group plan is supported by OJK proposed the name movement of ' Love ' for the sake of Indonesia's securities increase confidence in local securities.

Director of operations and Finance of PT MNC Securities, Susy Meilina says, the company currently occupies four poisisi of local securities. With the support of MNC Group, then this year's MNC Securities target becomes the best securities and increasing the number of domestic investors.

At least, there are three main competitors in the securities, i.e. Securities, Bahana Securities, self-contained, and Indo Premier securities. While the best securities in the order, the company had already reached 15 of 121 broker.

"We want to increase the role of local securities and increase the number of investors in the country. At this time it is important to improve the position in order that believed the investors, "he said during a hearing at the Office in Jakarta Thursday OJK (2/5/2013).

In that occasion, Susy said, it plans to employ ten other local securities in movement. MNC Group support is very strategic because it has the power of big media.

This is evidenced by the presence of three Chief Editor of Newspaper Legal and Sindo, MNC Business ready to support. The plan is expected to bring more people to believe in local and trade securities in the domestic market.

In fact, today there are still many open accounts presumptions in foreign securities and trade abroad more prestigious. However, this is precisely the moment foreigners began flocking into the capital market Indonesia. "Local investors are still less than one percent. So foreign investors easily dictate, "said Susy.

In response to the plan, Board Member, Nurhaida OJK Commissioner stated strongly support. In fact, she asked for details of the plan and invited MNC Securities to meet Indonesia stock exchange (BEI) and with other local securities.

These plans according to the needs of domestic capital markets that are growing rapidly. The increase must be accompanied by the strength of domestic investors, foreign capital flows to mengatisipasi if it reverses direction.

"Local investors should be strong so that major correction doesn't happen if foreign investors reversed course. We want equal growth among local and foreign securities, "said Nurhaida.

He admitted the current securities still focus on Java while great potential exists outside of Java. Obstacles faced were langkanya licensed personnel outside of Java. It requires the assistance of a security to work closely with graduate campuses in the area as supporters.

So, go Nurhaida they find it easier to understand the character of the investors in the area. It also reveals the challenges currently how investors continue to improve. But on the other hand also maintain the security of the capital market in the country.

This makes OJK ready support as a facilitator to other bodies to promote the movement. "We must be ready to support as a facilitator but on the other side must also maintain investor confidence in the capital markets in the country," pungkasnya.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Nissan cut off car prices in US



Finance Info-Nissan has slashed the price of 7 models 18 models of vehicles sold in the United States. This is done so that Japan can companies attract more customers.

As quoted Inautonews, Thursday (2/5/2013), for Altima models have been cut by 2.7 percent or USD580, SUV Fleet reduced by 10.7 percent or $ 4,400.

Other models who get discounts is Rogue crossover, Maxima, Murano, Sentra and Juke. Vice President of sales and marketing for Nissan America, Jose Munoz says, that the vehicle is experiencing cuts price of about 65 per cent of car sales in the us.

"In some of our customer, the search may not appear. This is an indication that we want to be in the list of options and we want to consider customers as much as possible, "he said.

This discount will begin effective on Friday (3/5/2013) to face the tough competition both from Japan and automotive manufacturers from the United States.

Nissan-Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn, said that the company's target is to achieve 10 percent of sales in the u.s. in 2016. Therefore it was under pressure to sell more vehicles so that the target is reached.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

OECD warned Italy to cut owe

AppId is over the quota Dani Mohammad Dahwilani


Finance Info -Italy has taken important steps to improve the public finances. But the country's new Government must pursue reform and cutting the debt burden.

It delivered the Organization for economic cooperation and development, OECD, while new Prime Minister Enrico Letta met with European leaders in Brussels.

Letta is currently looking for allies in Europe to focus on growing stronger and reduce pressure on fiscal discipline. "But, the ratio of public debt to GDP nearing 120 percent and debt repayment schedule, making Italy hit by sudden change in financial market sentiment," said the OECD, as reported by the Global Post, Thursday (2/5/2013).

It urged Letta to "consolidate" the structural reforms launched by his predecessor Mario Monti, comes with additional ways to increase growth and productivity, the weakest points of the third largest economy in the euro zone.

"The fiscal measures should concentrate on spending restraint," added the OECD.

The Government earlier estimated the Italy public debt will reach its peak 130.4 percent of GDP this year and began declining after that. EU countries are supposed to keep public debt not exceed 60 percent of GDP.

The Organization estimates that Italy's public deficit would stand at 3.3 percent of GDP this year, and rose to 3.8 percent in 2014, meaning it will still be above the EU limit of 3.0 percent, amounting to.

"Amid the recession and rising unemployment is sometimes hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, I am sure that the commitment to reform the current strategy will generate a better standard of living and more powerful, as well as Italy's economy more dynamic, "said the report quoted Secretary General of the OECD, Angel Gurria.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Pefindo decide Grade A for Bank of Lampung

Finance Info -PT Rating Securities Indonesia (Pefindo) reaffirmed the rating of idA-to PT Bank Lampung and the company's Bond III/2012 at Rp500 billion worth, with the prospect of ratings is stable.

Analyst PT Pefindo, the Titan of R Sjofjan says, the rankings reflect a captive market share a strong, good asset quality and capitalization indicator of a good company.

"However, the rankings are limited sources of funds are concentrated and the increasingly tight competition in the region," he said in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday (2/5/2013).

Bank Lampung ergerak in commercial banking with idang most services geared to local governments Lapmpung and its employees. As of the end of last year, as the company's owned 43,02 percent stake of local Government much as, Lampung 55,21 percent by the Government of The city of Lampung and 1,77 per cent by cooperatives.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Government Plan to standardize phone account

Arif Budianto

Pemerintah berencana lakukan tera pulsa

Sindonews.com -the Government plans to conduct the sale of pulse tera cellular operator. Currently, the toll included a product that has not been the standard measure.

Yet diteranya pulse acknowledged Deputy Minister of Trade of INDONESIA, Bayu Krisnamurthi on Asean Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality Working Group 3 on Legal Metrology (ACCSQ WG3).

According to him, the operator pulsa sold has not been through the process of tera. The Government currently still looking for technology to make tera pulse.

"Now there is no teranya tool. Whereas, the pulse should be the standard measure. So far there has not been a standard measure, "said Bayu.

According to him, not to the existence of these pulses cause the size of the tera pulses determined each telephone operator. The Government, however, admitted the difficulty of measuring the prices of pulses emitted by the phone operators.

"Legal aspects should be made to protect consumers. Currently, we are still in the making, "pungkas Wamendag.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Puskopanti increase credit distribution

Finance Info -Puskopanto through Cooperative BPR is constantly working to improve the distribution of credit to its members.

Chairman Puskopanti Jabar, Andra Ludin said, this year it is targeting to supply credit worth Rp50 billion. The credit will be focused on members who have a tenant in Bandung, East Plaza (BTP).

Last year, continued he, Puskopanti managed to disburse loans worth Rp30 billion. The loan ceiling to $ million/debtor. That number will continue to increase in the following years. "In addition, we also supply business credit (KUR).

"Until this month, KUR our successful channel reach Rp25 billion. Until the end of the year, we hope to be translucent Rp50 billion, "he said.

According to him, the various financing given Puskopanti is given with a mild interest in banking interest rates. For the credit sector rill, pegged interest rates of about 3 percent. The scheme, in an effort to prosper members.

This year, said Andra, Puskopanti only records a profit of about Rp80 billion. "This is a cooperative agency rather than profit. Orientation, not a profit of-besaranya. But prosper members, "imbuh him.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of West Java, Dede Yusuf says, Puskopanti contribute greatly to the development of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES in the region. Currently, members of Puskopanti over 40 thousand people working on a variety of business sectors. Puskopanti, including the successful street vendors have a store at the Mall.

"I hope, performance can be followed Puskopanti other cooperatives in the Province. Let alone in the middle of a cooperative that is not active in West Java, "said Dede.


Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Indonesia - Tatarstan get ready to cooperate transportation

Finance Info -Republic of Tatarstan expressed the desire to strengthen industrial cooperation with Indonesia, particularly in the fields of transportation equipment, such as helicopters, trucks and ships.

The desire of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, delivered Rustam Minnikhanov to Deputy Minister for industry Alex S.W. Retraubunyang, accompanied by the Director General of the International Industrial Cooperation (KII) Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, Kemenperin in Kemenperin, Jakarta (2/5/2013).

According to Wamenperin, Indonesia never do work closely with the Republic of Tatarstan in the 1960s in the field of industrial machinery and heavy equipment. Although it was cut off, the bilateral cooperation was started back in 1998.

"Tatarstan has advantages in the field of industrial machinery and heavy equipment. They Excel in producing helicopters, ships and trucks. But the population is only about 4 million people, "said Alex in a press release, Thursday (2/5/2013).

According to him, the Government began to explore working with Tatarstan as former Soviet republics that have competence in the industrial sector of heavy equipment, and Indonesia need to the defense industry. However, the Government needs to have a meeting to discuss details about the form of such cooperation.

Tatarstan is a country with an area of 68,000 km2 and has a population of 3.8 million inhabitants who mostly converted to Islam (54 percent). Natural resources in the country's capital of Kazan's oil, natural gas, gypsum and other.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of Tatarstan reached USD12,325 in 2005, while GDP in 2008 at about 930 billion rubles. Independent on 30 August 1990 has considerable potential in agriculture and industry.

Industry profile of Tatarstan was formed by industrial machining (56.1 percent), chemical and petrochemical industry (13.75 percent), oil extraction (4.3 percent), the production of electrical energy (2.7 percent), food industry (2.7 percent), light industry (4 percent), construction materials (5.1 percent), as well as timber and wood processing industry (2 percent).


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

The CEO of Shell decided to retire in 2014

Finance Info -global energy giant Royal Dutch Shell Plc reported, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Peter Voser has decided to retire in the next year. It is delivered after the registered drop in net profit in the first quarter of 2013, due to crude oil price anjloknya.

"The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc announced today that Peter Voser, has chosen to retire from the company in the first half of 2014," the Anglo-Netherlands group in a statement, as reported by the Global Post, Thursday (2/5/2013).

Voser, 57, served as the Board of Directors is the highest position since July 2009. Shell is now searching for a suitable candidate to replace him both from internal and external companies.

The news was delivered in addition to the 6 percent decline in the company's net profit in Q1 was USD8,18 billion (6,21 billion euros), after the performance of the Group were hit by lower oil prices and global economic uncertainty.

Profit after tax in the three months to March fell compared with USD8,7 billion in the same period last year.

"Our industry continues to see significant volatility in energy prices resulting from the economic and political development. Oil prices have fallen recently. However, Shell competition strategy and innovative long term against the volatile backdrop, "he explained.


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April 2013, 0.1% deflation influenced mast

Finance Info -the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) recorded deflation during April 2013 amounting to 0.1 percent. The occurrence of deflation last month much influenced by paddy rice and mast which cause a decrease in price.

"On an annual basis for inflation this April, year on year reach 5,57% and year to month of January of 2,32%," said the head of the BPS, Suryamin in BPS, Jakarta, Wednesday (1/5/2013).

Recorded from 66 of CPI, 28 city experiencing inflation, while 38 of deflation. Padang Sidempuan highest inflation 0.81 percent and 0.74 percent Sibolga and Medan. The lowest inflation was at Kendari 0.01 percent.

"As for deflation in Maumere and Hammer respectively amounting to 1.2 percent and 0.95 percent," he said.

As information, BPS reported March inflation figure 2013 are 0.63 percent level or lower than inflation February 2013 the number 0.75 percent.

Suryamin explains, in calendar year inflation level is 2.43 percent and inflation year on year (yoy) was at 5.90 percent. While core inflation, yoy was at 4.21 percent and 0.13 percent for March.


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IMF: Growth of job vacancies are slow

Finance Info -the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world economy grew by offering less fast in creating jobs for tens of millions of people are unemployed.

Deputy Director of the IMF, Naoyuki Shinohara said, global growth is seen in Figure 3.3 percent in 2013, and will reach 4 percent in 2014, the significant differences in their economic prospects.

"The world sees three-speed global recovery does not produce enough growth in employment for millions of people who have fallen into unemployment during the last 5 years," Shinohara said in a meeting with diplomats and businessmen to coincide with May Day, as reported by the Global Post, Wednesday (1/5/2013).

Former officials of Japan's Ministry of finance said, there have been protests May Day in Greece over the Government's austerity program. While unemployment figures in Europe reached a new record of more than 19 million people in March.

"The best performing Economy in developing countries. The average Asian country will grow 7.1 percent this year and sub-Saharan Africa extending estimates of 3.5 percent, "said Shinohara.

Other countries are currently under repair, such as United States, looks to expand 2 percent in 2013. But, people still have a significant distance to go as the euro area. Where their growth this year is expected to shrink.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Indonesia should be the parameter for kakao pricing

Finance Info -After the cocoa futures contract traded on exchanges of Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX), as much as 80 percent of the production of cocoa beans has now absorbed the cocoa processing industry in the country.

This as the industrial revolution for Indonesia, where Cocoa is the only commodity that many are exported in the form of semi-finished or has been processed into powder chocolate and butter.

Indonesia's cocoa prices up from 22,500 Rp20 thousand to Rp since traded on JFX. In fact, had a record rise to Rp24 thousands in September 2012. This increase has raised farmers ' income over the last year and make the farmers get the certainty of the selling price at harvest.

Unfortunately, many traders in Indonesia's cocoa using price New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange (price taker). In fact, America and Europe is not a country of cocoa producers, but the world's largest cocoa pengonsumsi (consumer market).

Director of the JFX, M Bihar Milky Wibowo said, it is time the farmers Indonesia using a reference price of cocoa in the JFX as price maker.

"Although there is no percentage is, many perpetrators of cocoa that use foreign exchange reference rates. In fact, the consumer market has always resulted in low prices. Whereas transactions in Exchange Indonesia is more profitable, "he said on the sidelines of a Gathering of Makassar Cocoa held JFX di Hotel Grand Clarion Makassar, Wednesday (1/5/2013).

According to him, the foreign exchange transaction risk. In addition to the price of a currency, the US dollar, the currency fluctuation is also quite risky.

"But the current interest in trading on exchanges Indonesia have started to grow along a high volume of transactions. Just does not seleruhnya. For example, Malaysia's CPO only 90 percent of the perpetrators of Indonesia. If this be withdrawn, it is incredible, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of General Zulhefi Sikumbang, Askindo said, the Government's role in encouraging domestic industry is urgently needed. In fact it would cast a letter to the Ministry to require idustri of the Interior shows the active transactions on a monthly basis.

"JFX there is enormous. Moreover, 80 percent of the industry is foreign ownership. Could be just the next 10 years 100 per cent foreign ownership if the Government did not take on the role. We want to determine the price, "explained Zulhefi.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

May Day demos, Muhaimin appreciation of labour

Finance Info -the Minister of manpower and transmigration (Menakertrans), Muhaimin Iskandar convey appreciation and the appreciation of the workers and trade unions action May Day demos held safe and orderly.

"On behalf of the Government, we convey the appreciation and the appreciation of workers ' demonstrations today running a safe, orderly, and peaceful," he said in affidavits to Sindonews, Wednesday (1/5/2013).

Although still tinged rallies and demonstrations in various areas, but overall, the May Day celebrations take place in a conducive environment are assessed. Although tinged variety of dynamics of workers/labourers in conveying the aspirations.

He hopes all parties can sit together and dialogue to seek the best solution in solving some problems in the field of employment in Indonesia.

"The Government does not stay silent in response to the aspirations of the various demands of the workers/labourers. We continue to strive to find solutions that benefit all parties either employers or workers. All aspects of employment we solve a gradual and sustainable both in terms of regulation and supervision of the pelaksanaanya, "he explained.

Muhaimin said, during a Government attempt to accommodate the demands of workers/labourers, including feedback from the employers. In this regard, on the one hand the Government continues to encourage the corporate world/national industry can continue to grow and on the other workers/labourers could prosper and avoid layoffs.

Ministers of origins of the National Awakening Party (PKB) said, the workers were able to use the Institutions of cooperation (LKS) National Tripartite between workers, employers and Government to dialogue-related wage increases, outsourcing, social security and more.

"The process of dialogue between unions, the Government and entrepreneurs in the Tripartite National forum. The most important thing is preventing and avoiding LAYOFFS of workers/labour-related increase in the UMP, "said Menakertrans.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

The April wholesale price index down thin

Finance Info -the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) noted that the wholesale price index/agents or Large Trade price index (IHPB) General non oil and gas dropped by 0.01 percent compared to the previous month.

As quoted from the official website of BPS, Wednesday (1/5/2013), the largest decrease occurred in the Group of IHPB export goods of non oil and gas amounted to 0.25 percent. IHPB raw materials, consumer goods, and capital goods in April 2013 respectively increase of 0.24 percent, 0.25 percent and 0.14 percent.

Meanwhile, building materials/construction IHPB rose by 0.11 percent against the previous month. This is due to the increase of the plastic items 1.25 percent, 0.76 percent, sawn timber and minerals of all kinds 0,69%.

In addition, other goods from materials not metals up electricity supplies, 0,52 per cent more 0,44 per cent, building material of ceramic and clay 0.40 percent.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

United Kingdom April 2013 PMI rose 49,8

Finance Info -United Kingdom Manufacturing Index (purchasing managers index/PMI) almost back to growth in April 2013, and home prices showed the biggest annual increase in more than a year. The Data indicate that economic recovery is slowly beginning to find its way.

"If we can maintain it for a quarter more, we really can change the angle of the back," said the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the United Kingdom (Bank of England-BoE) Paul Tucker, as reported by the Reuters, Wednesday (1/5/2013).

"I think there's a long way to go, and there must be some reason for hope," he added.

The economy grew 0.3 percent in the first quarter, in which analysts expect the signs of recovery in manufacturing — which accounts for a tenth of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the United Kingdom-the beginning of stronger second quarter.

CIPS/Markit PMI rising to 49,8 United Kingdom in April 2013 from 48,6 revision in March, putting the sector within the 50 line separates growth from contraction.

Economists see much weaker reading of 48.5. United Kingdom housing market also showed signs of resilience.House prices edged down 0.1 percent in April from March, but lost 0.9 per cent compared to last year-best growth in 14 months (according to mortgage lender Nationwide).


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Bank Mandiri hibahkan ambulance on YKI

Finance Info-PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) giving assistance grants in the form of one ambulance units worth Rp166,5 million. This assistance is given to the Cancer Foundation (YKI) Indonesia Yogyakarta branch.

The ambulance car is expected to get help handling transportation to cancer patients. Symbolically, this help was Director of Corporate Banking of Bank Mandiri, Fransisca Nelwan Mok to the Head Branch YKI DIY, GKR Hemas.

By Fransisca, this help is social care company. During this time the cancer is still one of a disease that is quite lethal. Therefore, the patient should get the service quick. medus

"We hope this can help facilitate the treatment of patients with cancer and Bank Mandiri to society closer," he said on Tuesday (30/4/2013).

Grant this, continued her ambulance, was part of the community development program (PKBL) of Bank Mandiri. At least been around Rp36,35 billion PKBL already poured in the first two months of this year.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Banking should do innovation and efficiency

Finance Info-circle of banking innovation of its products follow demands market conditions. Banks also would have to do in order to generate performance efficiency.

Entering the free market of ASEAN by 2015, competition will be more intense because it will be a lot of foreign bank entry. Lecturer Economics STIE scandal Perbanas Surabaya, Muazaroh says, innovation of product absolutely do. Society is getting cleverer in
Master of science and technology.

So banking should also be ready to face this situation by setting up a digital versatile disk, however simple, accessible customer. "Examples of easy Bank ATM. no ATM consumer will be left," he said in Yogyakarta, Friday (30/4/2013).

In addition to innovation, banking should also be efficiency in a variety of ways. Efficiency is one of the indicators to see the performance of banking. This efficiency can be produced from the meminimkan input, but produce maximum output.

"Many ways to perform efficiency, can with technological innovations to optimize existing resources," he said.

Bank BPD DIY, Supriyatno as saying, it continues to perform efficiency in carrying out the activities of the company. All commitment to pressing charges that show up and add the resulting productivity.

"Efficiency is the absolute requirement to win the competition the banking industry," he said.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

BMTR wanted to add ownership at MSKY

Finance Info-PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR) is planning to add share ownership at one of his children, namely PT MNC Sky Vision Tbk (MSKY).

The plan addressed President Hary Tanoesoedibjo, BMTR (HT) after the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) BMTR in MNC Tower, Jakarta, Friday (30/4/2013).

MNC Sky is one of the two subsidiary companies coded issuers BMTR was engaged in a business or pay television pay-TV. "The company is planning to increase his ownership in PT MNC Sky Vision, parent company of Indovision, Okevision and Top TV," he said.

Currently, advanced HT, BMTR is the majority shareholder of PT MNC Sky Vision (MSV) with ownership of about 66 percent.

"Now that the ownership (MNC in MNC Sky Vision) about 66 percent more, nearly 67 percent. We increased ownership in MNC Sky because of the tremendous growth each year, about 40 percent. So, to reinforce the perceived need BMTR to increase ownership stake there, "explained him.

However, HT claims to not know what percentage of the addition of shares in MSKY. "We do not yet know how many percent, want adds" he said.

HT said, adding that it plans a stock that will most likely be done with funds sourced from internal corporate cash. However, the option is still open if BMTR funds internally is insufficient.

"The addition of stock Plan would use funds from the cash because it has a reserve fund BMTR. If the Fund is less, then there are two possibilities. The first loan or through HMETD, "explained him.

Until the end of 2012, MSKY owns and produces 16 Indonesia-language pay-TV channel. Based on The Nielsen Company over all rating of subscription TV channel, stated that the MNC MNC Business, Sports, Music, MNC Entertainment MNC, MNC News MNC Lifestyle and achieve higher rankings in their respective categories.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Closure, JCI rebound translucent level 5000

Finance Info- Setelah sempat melemah pada sesi pertama perdagangan, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) akhirnya mampu berbalik arah ke zona hijau pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini. Bahkan, IHSG mampu melesat 34 poin dan menembus level 5.000.

IHSG, pada penutupan perdagangan Selasa (30/4/2013), menguat 34,32 poin atau setara 0,7 persen persen ke posisi 5.034,07. LQ45 naik 3.42 poin atau setara 0,4 persen ke level 845,35. Sementara Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) meningkat 3,06 atau 0,5 persen ke posisi 667,70.

Nilai transaksi tercatat sebesar Rp6,67 triliun dengan 4,2 miliar lembar saham diperdagangkan. Terpantau 140 saham tercatat menguat, 155 saham melemah, dan 98 saham stagnan.

Sektor pendukung IHSG antara lain sektor konsumer yang melesat 79,33 poin menjadi 1.888,40 dan sektor manufaktur naik 25,38 poin menjadi 1.301,73. Padahal sektor perkebunan turun 40,72 poin ke 1.805,83, serta sektor pertambangan terkoreksi 4,52 poin ke 1.754,01.

Saham-saham yang bergerak menguat (top gainers) antara lain PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR) naik Rp3.250 ke Rp26.250, PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (INTP) naik Rp900 ke Rp26.400, serta PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) naik Rp300 ke Rp11.700.

Sedangkan saham-saham yang bergerak melemah (top losers) antara lain PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk (HEXA) turun Rp300 ke Rp4.850, PT Lion Mesh Tbk (LMSH) turun Rp1.250 ke Rp15.000, dan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) turun Rp250 ke Rp10.750.

Sementara untuk indeks Asia bergerak dua arah. Hang Seng naik 156,24 poin atau 0.69 persen menjadi 22,737.01, Straits Times naik 6,26 poin atau 0,19 persen menjadi 3,368.18. Sedangkan Nikkei turun 23,27 poin atau 0,17 persen menjadi 13,860.86.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Eurostat: inflation eurozone April 2013 down 1.2%

Finance Info-European Statistical Agency, Eurostat reported inflation in 17 countries of the eurozone eased considerably in April 2013 to be 1.2 percent, below the target of the European Central Bank (ECB) of 2 percent.

Reported by the Business Times on Tuesday (30/4/2013), overall, April marked the third month in a row the annual rate of price increases in all regions of the single currency euro-home to about 340 million people came in right on target, after 1.7 percent in March and 1.8 percent in February.

Inflation continued to decline throughout the year and the latest fall put more pressure on the European Central Bank to lower interest rates when they meet on Thursday in an attempt to lift this economic crisis that mired in recession and high unemployment.

Eurostat said the price for the service is down to 1.1 percent against 1.8 percent in March, but the price of food products, beverages and tobacco are at high levels, each amounting to 2.9 percent from 2.7 percent in March.

Energy prices rolled back 0.4 percent against a rise of 1.7 percent in March, while industrial goods dropped to 0.8 percent, from 1.0 percent in the previous month.


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Finance; Investment; Business; Economics

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Government focus due to commodity price inflation

Finance Info-Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa pleaded before the focus on controlling inflation from the reduction of subsidies on fuel oil (FUEL), the Government will first focus on inflation due to commodity prices.

"Of course there will be inflation (from rising fuel prices), we would anticipate. But first we are now used to control the inflation of food, that we keep meat, horticulture don't bobbing again like yesterday, and we should also keep the rice, "he said at the hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, Friday (30/4/2013).

Concerning the compensation fund for the poor, Hatta claimed will discuss with PARLIAMENT because of the budget can only be issued with the approval of the House.

"Because it concerns the budget should be discussed with the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. It was the domain of the House. We could not raise fuel prices without protecting the poor, "he said.

He compared the scene this year with the 2005 where the number of poor people increased because of rising fuel prices. "The experience in 2005, poverty is rising to 17 percent because of rising fuel prices. That experience so the lesson is, we don't want the poor exposed and we should protect them, "pungkasnya.


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