Finance Info -Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Salim Segaf Al Jufri said, assistance programs, such as raskin, BSM, PKH BLSM will be realized, and with a larger scale. However, he did not know the specific BLSM in detail certainty.
"Raskin to be coupled, while the BSM is also given and it exists in Kemendikbud, Kemenag, and Kemensos. If it should be everything. PKH So if numbers are now 2.4 million households later we multiply two so 4.8 million households will be able to everything, "he said at the Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, Friday (30/4/2013).
He explains, the program of this nature, such as the BLT PKH but conditional and figure Rp1,4 million which will be increased by Rp1,5 million to Rp1,8 million poor households. "It's been six years," he said.
"So, I would like to explain that the BLT PKH conditional at least a year to six years, it's just not sound community. Actually, the BLT is also conditional Yes, so the mother of our bekali with the diary entry that he has to make sure her son's school, posyandu, just under 80 percent of his notes will be reduced assistance. We control every 200 FAMILIES there is one companion, "bright Mensos.
Meanwhile, related to BLSM, Salim has not been able to call the number as it will be adapted to the saving of FUEL subsidies and should be APBNP in the House first.
(izz)Finance; Investment; Business; Economics
Finance; Investment; Business; Economics