SINDO Newspaper -according to the Accenture survey in 2012, during the last three years, 45 – 47 per cent of the total Salesperson Sales failed to reach the target set of companies.
Could just cause is set targets too high, unrealistic, but that might just be happening instead, a factor that is less a professional salesperson. Poor performance be the cause of the failure. Easily, usually applicable rule of thumb.
If the majority does not reach the target, the company may set the sales target is too high and if the minority did not reach, usually a salesperson factor less qualified, either lacking the ability, either less commitment, and motivation. There are three stages of important successes point to watch out for and should not be ignored.
First, customer-centric methodologies and processes (methodologies and processes that centered on the customer). How to build a company on a consistent basis and methods of the sales process are focused on customers.
Second, sales talent acquisition and retention practices (the practice of recruiting and retaining a skilled salesperson). How to acquire and retain a skilled salesperson either traditionally or scientifically.
Third, sales tool does (equipment or devices adopted sales). How companies equipping salespeople with the tools that make it easy for salespeople work in particular in the process of recording orders, invoices, and reports of a visit to the customer.
The purpose of the sales team are: a. increase the effectiveness of sales, b. increase the value (monetary) sales, c. increase sales, whether a particular product or combination of products, d. increase the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, e. Gain or the acquisition of new customers, increasing the level of profits f., g. improves the performance of the seller's team and some of the other goals that vary from one company to another company.
To achieve that goal, then salespeople need to connect and reroute the above three-point success. Not all sellers perform consistently and sales process method based on Subscriber, but rather centered on himself.
A salesperson who consistently applied the method and the sales process does:
a. Survey and study prospect who will they visit, b. Sell to achieve the monetary value is not a number of units, which is a frugality with discount, other discounts are mengobral, c. think through and implement a strategy to gain sympathy, and ends with the customer placing the order.
d. know and understand very well the rules and the applicable purchase process at tiaptiap, customers Can quickly identify opportunities e. open and exploit it, f. can read gesture (gesture, gestures) customers and sign in at the right moment to offer the first solution, both of these products or services, e.g. closing deals with obtaining maximum order.
There are a few other skills that are increasingly controlled by salespeople will make it more professional, one of them is take advantage of a limited time. How can companies acquire and retain highly productive salespeople and effective?
There are several ways that can be accomplished with. see track record the history of success in previous company salesperson, whether he belongs to the top-sales performer, or just biasabiasa, b. put the question in an area or region which is fleshy, potential, whether reaches or exceeds the average of the achievement of the other salesperson, c. put it in an area that is a minus, is it reaches or exceeds the average achievement of the other salesperson.
The question is which is better placed on the surplus or minus territory? Which can be done in advance, if getting the surplus in question found it easy and give a spirit so positioned in minus does not reduce spirit to keep progressing.
Conversely, if concerned a challenger, he will try to keep top achievers in the region placed even minus, let alone in surplus areas, d. place the top-performer in the areas of sales of surplus in order to obtain maximum revenue company. Regarding the adoption of gear or equipment sales, with the development of technology in particular in the field of telecommunications and information,
with the cost of the investment by the company's relatively affordable then there is no reason for companies not to equip vending team with sophisticated equipment which is adequate to help salespeople identify potential customers, to reach with the right strategy, processes the order and sends the report quickly so make it as an effective salesman. A Success!
Chairman Of The Board Of The Jury The Record Business (ReBi) &
The Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM)
Finance; Investment; Business; Economics
Finance; Investment; Business; Economics